24-02-2021 · Statistiche straordinarie

Statistiche sorprendenti sull’investimento sostenibile

I progressi compiuti dagli investimenti sostenibili negli ultimi anni sono stati sbalorditivi, passando dall’essere uno stile di investimento di nicchia a diventare un'industria multimiliardaria mainstream. L'ascesa della sostenibilità ha prodotto alcune statistiche sorprendenti – dalle turbine eoliche delle dimensioni di grattacieli ai piani per creare una Grande Muraglia africana usando gli alberi.

Did you know, for example, that six ships create as much pollution as all the world’s traffic? That three bitcoins generate as much energy as a million credit card transactions? Or that the last time CO2 levels were as high as they are today, wooly mammoths were roaming the Earth?

In January 2017, Robeco decided to collect these amazing facts in a new series called SI’s Stunning Statistics. Every month we found an interesting new number from the world of sustainable investing, and added our own investment angle to it. Using the same format for each one, we asked three questions: What has happened? Why is it important? What does it mean for investors?

The best articles from this series are now available in a stunning little booklet.

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