03-02-2020 · Insight

SAM publishes Sustainability Yearbook 2020

SAM has published its annual yearbook showcasing the sustainability performance of the world’s largest companies.

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4710 Companies were assessed in the SAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA). Since 1999, SAM has been conducting the annual CSA and has compiled one of the largest and most comprehensive global databases on corporate sustainability.

Over the years the participation rates in the Corporate Sustainability Assessment have continuously risen – with a record number of companies taking part in this year’s assessment – indicating that sustainability is increasingly rising to the top of corporate agendas and becoming more mainstream.

Sustainability Yearbook 2021: 7,000 companies, 70 gold medalists - Read the article

With millions of data points on the most financially material ESG criteria in each industry, the yearbook continues to be a comprehensive guide to the strongest performing, largest companies in the world. That information is integrated into the investment process at both RobecoSAM and Robeco.

Following the transfer of RobecoSAM’s ESG data collection activities and Corporate Sustainability Assessment to S&P, the yearbook is now published by S&P Global.

Robeco continues to work closely with S&P Global and provide advice on the CSA methodology. Robeco and RobecoSAM will continue to use their resources and collective research expertise to interpret ESG data and use it for investment purposes. We will pull from as many data sources as possible, including the CSA, to understand this information, research it and integrate it into our decision-making processes.

For further details, please visit the yearbook’s website. If you wish to download it directly, you can leave your details below.

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