21-09-2021 · Insight

Our introductory guide to investing in SDG credits

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have captured the imagination as a great way of impact investing. But many investors remain unsure of how to go about it, or what tools can be used to measure the actual impact of it. Our Introductory Guide to SDG Credits can help.

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. These 17 goals build on the successes of the Millennium Development Goals, while including new priority areas such as climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption and peace and justice. They take the quest for sustainability to the next level by making it tangible and measurable. Investors are taking a growing interest in investments that contribute to the realization of these goals and at the same time offer attractive returns. However, assessing a company’s contribution to the SDGs can present challenges.

Robeco has developed a comprehensive proprietary SDG measurement framework with clear, objective and consistent guidelines for dealing with these challenges. Using this proprietary SDG Credits framework, we can construct credit portfolios that are diversified across issuers and sectors, and which make a clear positive contribution to the SDGs, while also delivering attractive financial returns for our investors. Furthermore, our SDG screening can help reduce downside risks in credit portfolios, as it separates the wheat from the chaff and prevents investors from investing in companies with outmoded business models that have come under severe pressure.

How do companies and countries score on sustainability?

Explore the contributions companies make to the Sustainable Development Goals and how countries rank on ESG criteria.

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