28-09-2021 · 新聞稿

Robeco’s WFOE Obtains a PFM License to Support its Sustainable Investing Journey in China

Shanghai, September 28, 2021 –Robeco, a global asset manager with headquarters in the Netherlands, announces that its wholly-foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE), Robeco Private Strategy Management (Shanghai) Co., LTD, was granted a Private Strategy Management (PFM) license by the Asset Management Association of China (AMAC) on September 27, 2021.

Robeco has been investing in Chinese equities since 1990 and it launched its first offshore China equity strategy more than twenty years ago. Mr. Jin Mei, Head of China at Robeco, said, "the PFM license marks another major milestone in our journey in China, following the successful establishment of our then WFOE in China in 2015 and Qualified Domestic Limited Partner (QDLP) approval in 2018. We could not have achieved this without the collective effort, support and trust of all the parties involved. China has always been a strategically important market for Robeco and we look forward to contributing to its continuing success, as China opens up its financial and capital markets."

"We have a Shanghai-based investment research team specializing in Chinese equities and dedicated to seeking long-term opportunities in China for our investors. We will continue to capitalize on our expertise in sustainable investing, quantitative investing, trends investing, credits investing and emerging markets investing to introduce more diversified offerings in our China onshore investment strategies," said Mr. Jin Mei.

Robeco is a global leader in ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) integrated strategies and related research capabilities. "We have long been incorporating ESG considerations into our investment decisions and we have applied it in our Chinese equities strategies. ESG analysis provides us with a different perspective on the companies we invest in and make us a better-informed investor,” said Mr. Lu Jie, Head of Investments China at Robeco. "We integrated decarbonization commitments in our Chinese equities strategies at the very early stage and we will continue to promote this in our future Chinese equities investments."

Sustainable investing is arguably the most prevalent strategy given countries across the world are strengthening their policies and regulations to fulfill ESG and SDG requirements . With more than twenty five years of experience in ESG investing, Robeco is well positioned to lead this change and to confidently provide our clients with comprehensive sustainable investing solutions. Back in 1995, Robeco was among the first to embrace sustainable investing with the launch of its first sustainable equity strategy. In addition, the company was among the first to apply the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into an investment framework and it was one of the first to launch climate-focused fixed income strategies. We launched an Asian sustainable equity strategy in 2020.

Mr. Lu Jie added: "We believe that we are uniquely positioned to combine our sustainable investing experience with our local Chinese equities experience. Whether we are analyzing ESG data, integrating climate change considerations or maximizing shareholder value through active ownership, Robeco’s experienced global and local teams are advancing the UN’s SDGs by investing to address the climate challenge and support sustainable development, and contributing to China’s emission targets and goal of carbon neutrality. We believe that sustainable investing makes us a better asset manager. Moreover, it positive impacts on society as a whole."


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