03-05-2022 · Visión

Guide to climate fixed income investing

We've developed a practical solution for investors who are serious about meeting their climate-related goals. This publication explains how to stimulate decarbonization of the broader economy and society by investing in select companies.

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The Paris Agreement confers a high level of responsibility and accountability on nations, organizations and individuals. Our view is that investors have a pivotal role in this, given the tremendous influence they wield in driving change through capital allocation. We’ve developed a solution for investors who are committed to contributing to a net-zero future.

Building on our decades-long experience in sustainable investing, our climate fixed income strategies invest in global bonds in a way that strives to keep the temperature rise well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels, and aims to limit it even further to 1.5 °C.

Our Guide explains how it all works – and how investors can create a fixed income portfolio that helps build a better future.

Climate Investing

Striving to keep the global temperature rise well below 2°C

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