Sustainable investing
Sustainability policies and positions
Our policies and frameworks underpin our sustainable investment approach. These range from sustainability and engagement reports to policies regarding our frameworks for the SDGs, ESG bonds, thematic and impact strategies.
Sustainability policies
Active ownership
Active ownership is a key tenet of sustainable investing, which has been part of Robeco’s DNA for decades. We believe that being active owners of the companies in which we invest contributes to both investment results and society. We have huge experience in using engagement to seek improvements in the sustainable characteristics of companies, and voting on issues at shareholder meetings.
View the reports Read more about Active OwnershipDialogue and voting results
Our engagement specialists maintain an active dialogue with some 200 companies a year. They also vote at around 5,000 shareholder annual general meetings.
How we voted Shareholder meetingsPrincipal Adverse Impact Indicators
Under the EU’s SFDR regulation, investors must calculate the Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) indicators that their investments have on the environment and society. Here’s how we do this at Robeco.
Shareholder Rights Directive II
Robeco is very committed and well positioned to adhere to SRD II, in addition to relevant stewardship codes, which aims to encourage long-term shareholder engagement.
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