09-06-2022 · Insight

Guide to sustainable quant equities investing

The rules-based nature of quant investing lends itself well for sustainability integration. At Robeco, we harness our expertise in both quantitative and sustainable investing to provide clients with solutions that cater to both their financial and sustainability goals.

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Our guide sets out our approach to sustainable quant equities investing, which is a result of continuous research and investments in infrastructure and people. As a matter of fact, we began integrating sustainability in our Quant Equities models as far back as 2010. We have since enhanced our approach over the years in lockstep with the ever-evolving field of sustainable investing. As true pioneers, we keep learning every single day to further develop our innovative mindset, always with our clients in mind. Our publication sheds light on numerous topics and is written in a modular format, allowing readers to focus on their specific area of interest.

First, we broadly touch on the key sustainability dimensions by introducing the concepts and highlighting why they matter for investors. We then detail how these dimensions are integrated in our Quant Equities investment process. And in conclusion, we provide an overview of our Quant Equities product range from a sustainability lens, discuss how our Quant Equities platform can cater to client-specific sustainability preferences, and include a few client cases to showcase our capability.

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