Robeco Global SDG Engagement Equities

100% active ownership for impact & return

This strategy focuses on engagement with every investee company to improve their contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals while achieving attractive investment returns.

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100% active ownership

100% active ownership

Active engagement with every single holding in the portfolio.

Contribution to UN SDGs

Contribution to UN SDGs

Impact by investing in companies to improve their contribution to the SDGs.

Attractive financial returns

Attractive financial returns

Attractive financial returns, by bringing together our strong track record on fundamental equity with our expertise on engagement.

Discover the Introductory Guide to Robeco SDG Engagement Equities to find out more!

Our new guide explains how the strategy buys some companies that others won't touch; how an active ownership specialist helps to pick the stocks; and why success with a company means it actually 'falls out of scope' by the strategy. We also explain how we have made a difference through the engagement journey with three companies in the semiconductor, animal health and medical appliances industry, and how they positively contribute to the UN SDGs as a result.

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