Sustainable Index Solutions

Taking high-impact, low-carbon solutions to the next level

Key points

  1. Access to our leading Sustainability and Factor expertise

  2. Transparency towards clients only, to mitigate the risk of overcrowding

  3. Efficient index construction with low turnover and cost and capacity management

Two massive trends have emerged in the market over the past years: index investing and sustainable investing. While solutions tapping into these two areas are widely available, sustainable index solutions with a forward-looking, low-carbon approach that don’t compromise financial objectives and align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is another thing. We use our leading sustainable and index construction IP, research teams and experience to create a compelling sustainable alternative to passive market-cap indices, allowing our clients to align with positive impact and reduce their carbon footprints. 

Our approach

The Sustainable Index Solutions team transforms the broad market index universe into a sustainable index universe. The solutions:

Positive impact

Positive impact

Exclude worst scoring stocks based on Robeco's time-tested SDG Framework. By doing so, our sustainable index solutions give more weight to companies that are aligned with positive impact.

Lower carbon footprint

Lower carbon footprint

Significantly lower the carbon footprint based on fundamental forward-looking view of Robeco Climate Strategy team and SDG Framework: exclude climate laggards and polluters.

Contributing to a low-carbon economy

Contributing to a low-carbon economy

Retain climate leaders, which are companies that might have a high carbon footprint based on their current and past emissions but are driving "green innovation" and therefore essential in the transition to a low-carbon economy. We identify these climate leaders through the Robeco SDG Framework.

Optimize the index

Optimize the index

Optimize the index constituents' weights towards the SDGs (sustainability) for the SDG Low-Carbon indices and towards high and balanced factor exposure (return) for the Sustainable Multi-Factor indices.

Research shows that public transparency of indices causes a key disadvantage to a public index investor. Other market participants try to benefit from this public information, resulting in hidden implicit costs. Robeco's indices are only transparent to you, our client, and we do not share this transparency with all market participants, thereby mitigating these risks and that of overcrowding.


The Sustainable Index Solutions team comprises passionate thinkers who challenge the status quo. We incorporate their award-winning research into our investment process. Senior members of the team have developed and scaled up multiple investment capabilities at Robeco. 

The team consists of many complementary skillsets with academic specializations in climate finance, computer science, econometrics and financial economics. Our PhD program ensures we are able to recruit some of the best talent in the fields of climate finance and econometrics. 


Joop Huij - PhD, Head of Sustainable Index Solutions

Joop Huij
PhD, Head of Sustainable Index Solutions

Our Sustainable Indices go beyond generic sustainability data and incorporate fundamental and forward-looking information


The Sustainable Index Solutions team integrates sustainability in all their indices. They strive for positive impact through the integration of Robeco's SDG Framework in their indices and to contribute to a low-carbon economy through the integration of both the forward-looking fundamental view of Robeco's Climate Strategy team and our SDG Framework. 


This strategy is available for various investment regions: Global All Country, Developed Markets, Emerging Markets, US, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Japan.



Core solution

A central investment of a long-term portfolio



A true understanding of the topic has been in our DNA since the start



Investments that quantifiably contribute to the SDGs


Climate transition

Investing that aims to assist in meeting decarbonization objectives

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Robeco is an international asset manager offering an extensive range of active investments, from equities to bonds.

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Robeco aims to enable its clients to achieve their financial and sustainability goals by providing superior investment returns and solutions.

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