22-08-2023 · Insight

The new Big Book of Sustainable Investing

In 2018, Robeco published its first Big Book of SI to give investors a comprehensive reference guide to sustainable investing (SI). But even great guidebooks need a periodic revamp.

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  • Masja Zandbergen-Albers - Head of Sustainability Integration

    Masja Zandbergen-Albers

    Head of Sustainability Integration

Though the fundamentals haven’t changed, the nature of sustainability risks, investor preferences, and government regulations have. The focus on climate change, biodiversity loss, social inequalities and the UN SDGs have intensified globally, creating new risks but also fresh sources of innovation and growth.

It’s against this backdrop that we release the second edition of our Big Book. Like its predecessor, the latest edition aims to blaze new trails in sustainable investing by helping investors understand the latest trends and the innovative SI solutions for mitigating risks, enhancing returns, and aligning portfolios with positive real-world progress.

A lot has changed in just a few short years, but our commitment to the value of SI research to generate superior returns and long-term value remains as strong as ever.


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