24-03-2022 · Insight

Global Climate Investing Survey 2022: Engagement and biodiversity

Climate change remains central to investor strategies over the coming years, as active ownership and biodiversity increase in importance. These are the main takeaways from the 2022 Robeco Global Climate Survey on investment approaches to tackling global warming.

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  • Lucian Peppelenbos - Climate & Biodiversity Strategist

    Lucian Peppelenbos

    Climate & Biodiversity Strategist

It is the second survey of its kind to be conducted by CoreData Research, with answers gathered throughout January 2022. Collectively, the 300 investors questioned have assets under management of USD 23.7 trillion.

The principal finding was that climate change firmly remains central or significant to investment policy at 84% of all investors over the next two years, while 75% have it taking center stage today.

Rising role of engagement

One standout result was that 80% of respondents said engagement will be a significant factor in their investment policy in the next two years. Protecting biodiversity has also risen in importance, with 56% saying this will be key over the next two years.

Other highlights include plans to make greater use of thematic strategies, with equities remaining the preferred asset class. There is also increasing appetite to divest from carbon-intensive activities. Meanwhile, complaints about poor data and a lack of global agreements on climate still vex investors

Nature speaks to us

“We are now so aware of the physical impacts of climate change – we feel nature speak to us,” says Lucian Peppelenbos, Climate Strategist at Robeco. “There is a clear shift to making a real world impact, with an increased realization that real assets are directly linked to real impacts, particularly when we talk about climate and biodiversity.”


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