Sustainable Investing Open Access Initiative

Our Sustainable Investing Open Access Initiative is disclosing our intellectual property – our proprietary SDG data. Through this initiative, we are offering free insights into individual SDG scores on corporate issuers and share our in-depth analysis across a range of country ESG data, resulting in a single country sustainability score.

How do companies and countries score on sustainability?

Explore the contributions companies make to the Sustainable Development Goals and how countries rank on ESG criteria.

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SDG scores

The SDG Framework is a robust tool that systematically evaluates companies based on their performance across key SDG-related targets. A company’s overall performance across the most strategically relevant SDGs aggregates into an overall company SDG score.

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Country ESG scores

What are the most sustainable countries in the world? The Country Sustainability Ranking is a comprehensive framework for analyzing countries’ performance on a wide range of ESG metrics.

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We launched the SI Open Access Initiative in August 2022, initially to allow clients and academics to use to the information contained in the groundbreaking Robeco SDG Framework. This was expanded in May 2023 to include the Country Sustainability Ranking, which scores 150 countries/economies on ESG credentials. Both are now available to a broader range of stakeholders on this website. Clients and academics can get access to even more data and features through MyRobeco. Please get in touch with us to hear more about this option.

Supporters of the initiative


The SDG framework is used for many of Robeco’s client portfolios. These include some of the world’s biggest asset owners like UBS Global Wealth Management, BBVA AM, Standard Chartered Bank and pensioenfonds ING, who are all keen supporters of Robeco’s SI Open Access initiative.

“We support the launch of Robeco’s Sustainable Investing Open Access Initiative. We share a common belief and understanding that we should be heading towards a more sustainable world. Good quality data, which is transparent and consistent , is important to us in our investment decisions. We believe that the decision of Robeco to create an open access platform shows forward thinking and leadership in sustainable investment.”
Stichting Pensioenfonds ING

Let's keep the conversation going

Robeco is an international asset manager offering an extensive range of active investments, from equities to bonds.

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Robeco aims to enable its clients to achieve their financial and sustainability goals by providing superior investment returns and solutions.

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