Robeco Global SDG Engagement Equities I USD
Actively targeting impact and financial returns
Share classes
Share classes
Every share class of a product invests in the same portfolio of securities and has the same investment objectives and policies. However, their parameters might deviate. For instance and amongst others, their distribution type, currency exposure or fees and expenses might differ. The most common share classes at Robeco are:
a) D/DH shares, which are regular shares and available for all Investors;
b) I/IH shares, for institutional investors as defined from time to time by the Luxembourg supervisory authority.
For more information on share classes please go to the prospectus.
Class and codes
Asset class:
MSCI All Country World Index (Net Return, USD)
Sustainability-related information
Sustainability-related information
Under the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, products can be labelled as either Article 6, 8 or 9 fund.
Article 6 - The fund is not in scope of enhanced sustainability disclosures compared to Article 8 and 9.
Article 8 - The fund does not have a sustainable investment objective but promotes environmental or social characteristics and is subject to enhanced sustainability disclosures.
Article 9 - The fund has a sustainable investment objective and is subject to enhanced sustainability disclosures.
Regardless of Article 8 or 9, the companies in which investments are made must follow good governance practices, and sustainable investments must not do any significant harm.
Article 8
Copyright © Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Download The Morningstar Rating for Funds (chapter: The Morningstar Rating: Three-, Five-, and 10-Year) on the Morningstar website.
Rating (30/08)
- Overview
- Performance & costs
- Portfolio
- Sustainability
- Commentary
- Documents
MISSING: fund.detail.tabs.
Key points
- Helping business achieve positive impact through engagement.
- Drive clear and measurable improvements in a company’s contribution to the SDG’s while achieving attractive investment returns.
- Concentrated portfolio includes assessment on SDGs engagement potential.
About this fund
Robeco Global SDG Engagement Equities is an actively managed fund that invests in a concentrated selection of global stocks. Stock selection is based on fundamental analysis to invest in companies based on their contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). The fund will actively engage with the invested companies and initiate a dialogue to motivate these companies to improve their fulfilment of the UN SDGs over three to five years via active engagement. The portfolio is built on the basis of an eligible investment universe and an internally developed SDG framework for mapping and measuring SDG contributions (information can be obtained via the website fund also aims to achieve a better return than the index.
Key facts
Total size of fund
$ 1,470,917,021
Size of share class
$ 11,701,626
Inception date share class
1-year performance
Dividend paying
Fund manager
Michiel Plakman CFA
Daniela da Costa
Peter van der Werf
Thomas Globe
Michiel Plakman is Lead Portfolio Manager and member of the Global Equity team. He is also Co-Head of Robeco’s Global Equity team. He is responsible for fundamental global equities with a focus on SDG investing and on companies in the information technology, real estate & communication services sectors, as well as portfolio construction. He has been in this role since 2009. Previously, he was responsible for managing the Robeco IT Equities fund within the TMT team. Prior to joining Robeco in 1999, he worked as a Portfolio Manager Japanese Equities at Achmea Global Investors (PVF Pensioenen). From 1995 to 1996 he was Portfolio Manager European Equities at KPN Pension Fund. He holds a Master's in Econometrics from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and he is a CFA® Charterholder. Daniela da Costa is co-portfolio manager of Robeco's Global SDG Engagement fund and has a research focus on Brazil and the African consumer sector. Prior to joining Robeco in 2010, she was Portfolio Manager Latin American Equities at Nomura in London. Before that, Daniela worked at HSBC and with the Petrobras pension fund in Brazil. She started her career in the industry in 1997. Daniela holds a Master's in Economics from the Brazilian Capital Markets Institute in Rio de Janeiro (IBMEC-RJ) and a MBA certificate in pension fund asset management from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE-UFRJ). She is board member of AMEC, the Brazilian stewardship agency and a member of Robeco’s SDG committee and Biodiversity Task Force. Peter van der Werf is Head of Engagement at Robeco. He leads the corporate and sovereign engagement program in the Active Ownership team and is involved in further integration of active ownership in Robeco’s investment products. With his engagement work he has challenged sustainability leadership at more than 200 global companies to align their environmental and social strategy with Robeco’s sustainable investing philosophy. As Portfolio Manager SDG Engagement Equities, Peter contributes to impact investing in listed equity. He is also an Advisory Board member of the Finance for Biodiversity foundation. Peter started his career in 2007 and holds a Master’s in Environmental Sciences from Wageningen University. Thomas Globe is Portfolio Manager and member of the Global Equity team. He is responsible for fundamental global equities with a focus on SDG investing and portfolio construction. He is also Deputy Lead Portfolio Manager Global SDG Engagement Equities. Prior to joining Robeco in 2024, he worked as portfolio manager for Premier Miton Investors. Previous to that, he worked at Premier Asset Management as portfolio manager and analyst. He joined the industry in 2011. Thomas holds a first class Bachelor of Arts (Joint Honours) in Business and Law from Staffordshire University. He is a CFA® Charterholder.
Per period
Per annum
- Per period
- Per annum
1 month
3 months
1 year
2 years
3 years
Since inception 07/2021
- Statistics
- Hit-ratio
Tracking error ex-post (%)
The ex-post tracking error is defined as the volatility of the fund's achieved excess return over the index return. In fund management, most managers are subject to an ex-ante (pre-determined) tracking error, which defines the extent of the additional risk they may take when aspiring to outperform the fund's benchmark. The ex-post tracking error explains the distribution of past fund performances compared to those of its underlying benchmark. With a higher tracking error, the fund's returns deviate more from its index's returns, hence there is a greater chance that the fund may outperform. The wider the spread of returns relative to the benchmark, the more "actively" a fund has been managed. In contrast, a low tracking error indicates more "passive" management.
Information ratio
This ratio serves to evaluate the quality of the excess return a fund manager has achieved because it takes the active risk involved into account. The information ratio is defined as the excess return over the benchmark return divided by the fund's tracking error. The higher the information ratio, the better. For example, a fund with a tracking error of 4% and an excess return of 2% over benchmark has an information ratio of 0.5, which is quite good.
Sharpe ratio
This ratio measures the risk-adjusted performance and allows the performance quality of different investments to be compared. It is calculated by subtracting the risk-free rate from the fund's returns and dividing the result by the fund's standard deviation (risk). So the Sharpe ratio tells us whether a fund's returns are the result of smart investment decisions or stem from taking extra risk. The higher the ratio, the better, meaning that a greater return is achieved per unit of risk. This ratio is named after its inventor, Nobel Laureate, William Sharpe.
Alpha (%)
Alpha measures the difference between a portfolio's actual return and its expected performance, given the level of risk, compared to the benchmark. A positive alpha figure indicates that the fund has performed better than expected, given the level of risk. Beta is used to calculate the level of risk compared to the benchmark..
Beta is a measure of a portfolio's volatility, or systematic risk, in comparison to the benchmark. A beta of 1 indicates that the portfolio will move with the benchmark. A beta of less than 1 means that the portfolio will be less volatile than the benchmark. A beta of more than 1 indicates that the portfolio will be more volatile than the benchmark. For example, if a portfolio's beta is 1.2 it is theoretically 20% more volatile than the benchmark.
Standard deviation
Standard deviation is a measure of the dispersion of a set of data from its mean. The more spread out the data is, the higher the deviation. In finance, standard deviation is applied to the annual rate of return of an investment to measure the investment's volatility (risk).
Max. monthly gain (%)
The maximum (i.e. highest) absolute positive monthly performance in the underlying period.
Max. monthly loss (%)
The maximum (i.e. highest) absolute negative monthly performance in the underlying period.
Months out performance
Number of months in which the fund outperformed the benchmark in the underlying period.
Hit ratio (%)
This percentage indicates the number of months in which the fund outperformed in a given period.
Months Bull market
Number of months of positive benchmark performance in the underlying period.
Months outperformance Bull
Number of months in which the fund outperformed positive benchmark performance in the underlying period.
Hit ratio Bull (%)
This percentage indicates the number of months the fund outperformed a positive benchmark in an underlying period.
Months Bear market
Number of months of negative benchmark performance in the underlying period.
Months outperformance Bear
Number of months in which the fund outperformed negative benchmark performance in the underlying period.
Hit ratio Bear (%)
This percentage indicates the number of months the fund outperformed a negative benchmark performance in an underlying period.
Ongoing charges
Indication of annual charges that are deducted for this fund. This indication is based on the costs over the last calendar year and may vary from year to year. Transaction costs incurred by the fund, any performance fees and other one-off costs are not included in the ongoing charges.
Included management fee
A fee paid by the fund to the asset management company for the professional management of the fund.
Included service fee
This fee is intended to cover official fees, such as the cost of annual reports, annual shareholders' meetings and price publications.
Transaction costs
The transaction costs shown are the average annual transaction costs over the last three years calculated in accordance with European regulations.
Fiscal product treatment
The fund is established in Luxembourg and is subject to the Luxembourg tax laws and regulations. The fund is not liable to pay any corporation, income, dividend or capital gains tax in Luxembourg. The fund is subject to an annual subscription tax ('tax d'abonnement') in Luxembourg, which amounts to 0.01% of the net asset value of the fund. This tax is included in the net asset value of the fund. The fund can in principle use the Luxembourg treaty network to partially recover any withholding tax on its income.
Fiscal treatment of investor
Investors who are not subject to (exempt from) Dutch corporate-income tax (e.g. pension funds) are not taxed on the achieved result. Investors who are subject to Dutch corporate-income tax can be taxed for the result achieved on their investment in the fund. Dutch bodies that are subject to corporate-income tax are obligated to declare interest and dividend income, as well as capital gains in their tax return. Investors residing outside the Netherlands are subject to their respective national tax regime applying to foreign investment funds. We advise individual investors to consult their financial or tax adviser about the tax consequences of an investment in this fund in their specific circumstances before deciding to invest in the fund.
Fund allocation
Top 10
- Asset
- Currency
- Sector
- Top 10
The fund is allowed to pursue an active currency policy to generate extra returns and can engage in currency hedging transactions.
The fund does not distribute dividend. The fund retains any income that is earned and so its entire performance is reflected in its share price.
Robeco Global SDG Engagement Equities is an actively managed fund that invests in a concentrated selection of global stocks. Stock selection is based on fundamental analysis to invest in companies based on their contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). The fund will actively engage with the invested companies and initiate a dialogue to motivate these companies to improve their fulfilment of the UN SDGs over three to five years via active engagement. The portfolio is built on the basis of an eligible investment universe and an internally developed SDG framework for mapping and measuring SDG contributions (information can be obtained via the website fund also aims to achieve a better return than the index. The fund promotes E&S (i.e. Environmental and Social) characteristics within the meaning of Article 8 of the European Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, integrates sustainability risks in the investment process and applies Robeco’s Good Governance policy. The fund will actively engage with the invested companies and initiate a dialogue to motivate these companies to improve their fulfilment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) over three to five years via active engagement. The fund applies sustainability indicators, including but not limited to, normative, activity-based and region-based exclusions, and applies proxy voting. The Sub-fund is actively managed. The investment policy is not constrained by a benchmark but the Sub-fund uses a benchmark for comparison purposes. The Sub-fund can deviate substantially from the issuer, country and sector weightings of the benchmark. There are no restrictions on the deviation from the benchmark. The benchmark is a broad market weighted index that is not consistent with the environmental, social and governance characteristics promoted by the Sub-fund.
Risk management is fully integrated into the investment process to ensure that positions always meet predefined guidelines.
Sustainability profile
ESG Important Information
The sustainability information below can help investors integrate sustainability considerations in their process. This information is for informational purposes only. The reported sustainability information may not at all be used in relation to binding elements for this fund. A decision to invest should take into account all characteristics or objectives of the fund as described in the prospectus.
The fund incorporates sustainability in the investment process by the means of a target universe, exclusions, ESG integration and engagement. The fund solely invests in stocks issued by companies with a low negative to low positive impact on the SDGs. The impact of issuers on the SDGs is determined by applying Robeco's internally developed three-step SDG Framework. The outcome is a quantified contribution expressed as an SDG score, considering both the contribution to the SDGs (positive, neutral or negative) and the extent of this contribution (high, medium or low). The fund actively engages with 100% of the corporate holdings typically for a period of three to five years. The fund does not invest in stock issuers that are in breach of international norms or where activities have been deemed detrimental to society following Robeco's exclusion policy. Financially material ESG factors are integrated in the bottom-up fundamental investment analysis to assess existing and potential ESG risks and opportunities. In addition, where a stock issuer is flagged for breaching international standards in the ongoing monitoring, the issuer will become subject to exclusion. Lastly, the fund makes use of shareholder rights and applies proxy voting in accordance with Robeco's proxy voting policy.The following sections display the ESG-metrics for this fund along with short descriptions. For more information please visit the sustainability-related disclosures.The index used for all sustainability visuals is based on MSCI All Country World Index (Net Return, USD).
Market development
The slightly positive return for global equity markets in August masked an otherwise turbulent month. Japan was at the epicenter of the initial market rout after the Bank of Japan announced a slight rate hike, triggering large outflows with the so-called yen-carry-trade unwind. In conjunction with a tepid US payrolls report and the first cracks in the AI theme, markets all over the world quickly moved into panic mode. Calm returned, though, as incoming data dismissed any meltdown fears in fundamentals and equities quickly returned higher to finish the month in green. But calm returned and markets recovered. Sectors such as healthcare, staples and real estate outperformed, while areas within consumer discretionary, commodities and higher-beta industrials lagged.
Performance explanation
Based on transaction prices, the fund's return was 2.89%. The portfolio outperformed the MSCI ACWI in August. Industrials was the standout positive contributor at sector level with consumer staples taking second place. Financials was the biggest detractor. Following a weaker July, market turmoil in early August saw Hitachi fall further before rebounding impressively, pushing it to the largest contributor on an individual stock basis. Trane Technologies also had a good month reporting strong second quarter results. Seeing particular strength in commercial HVAC, management raised their full-year revenue guidance. Samsung Electronics was the largest individual detractor amidst broader regional and sector weakness.
Expectation of fund manager
Michiel Plakman CFA
Daniela da Costa
Peter van der Werf
Thomas Globe
The summer period is notoriously tricky, with less liquid markets often causing very erratic price action. August was no exception, seeing sharp corrections and new highs. When it comes to the US, with growth softening, but not collapsing, and inflation receding further, markets have been moving back into frothy mode again by expecting the Fed to deliver more rate cuts in the short term than what's realistically likely. Although borrowing costs have come down, we still see scant evidence of a pickup in activity levels in the interest-sensitive parts of the market. Furthermore, as several popular themes around AI and anti-obesity drugs are looking tired and momentum is waning, we stay cognizant of a potential change in market leadership. While we have added slightly more into the less expensive corners of the market on the margin, we remain up the Quality curve in terms of positioning.