Robeco, The Investments Engineers
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Robeco Indices B.V.

Complaints handling procedure

Our clients justify our existence, which is why we are so interested in their needs and interests. We try very hard to avoid dissatisfaction among our clients as much as possible. If you have a complaint regarding the provision or administration of our index products, we will endeavor to resolve the matter adequately. We consider complaints as important indications of the quality of services and products provided by Robeco Indices B.V. To achieve a long-lasting relationship with our clients, we handle all complaints properly and timely.

Please follow the procedure as outlined below. Complaints can, for example, be submitted on whether a specific index determination is representative of market value, on a proposed change to the index determination process, on an application of the methodology in relation to a specific index determination, and on other decisions in relation to the index determination process.

Handling complaints

In order to be able to handle complaints properly, complaints are preferably submitted in writing. If a complaint is not in writing, we may ask you to put the details in writing.

After receipt of your complaint, we will send a confirmation to acknowledge the receipt of your complaint. We will send this confirmation without delay and certainly within two weeks after receipt of the complaint.

We will investigate complaints carefully, diligently and impartially. The inquiry is conducted by a senior member of our staff and independently of any personnel who may be or may have been involved in the subject-matter of the complaint.

A complaint will be handled within eight weeks of receipt. If this is not possible due to special circumstances, we will keep the complainant informed. As soon as we have made a decision regarding your complaint, you will be informed in writing. We will explain our decision and, if your complaint is justified, we inform you of any appropriate remedial measures we will take to prevent repetition of the issue.

What information do we need from you?

In order to be able to review your complaint, we ask you to provide us with your contact details, a clear description of your complaint and to supply any supporting evidence that you have.

We would also appreciate it if you let us know what action you are looking for us to take. If necessary in the review of your complaint, we will ask you for further information or clarification. In such case, your prompt response is essential to be able to handle your complaint well and on time.

Robeco Indices B.V. registers every complaint, including all relevant documentation. All documents relating to a complaint, including those documents submitted by complainant, are retained for at least five years after the complaint is settled.

All complaints will be treated confidentially in accordance with prevailing data protection regulations.
