Super Quant internship vacancies

The projects cover the entire quant model development cycle: analyzing the data, programming the back-tests, analyzing the results, discussing results with researchers and portfolio managers, writing a research report and giving a presentation. All assignments will be supervised by an experienced empirical researcher of Robeco’s Quantitative Research department.


Currently all positions are filled. We expect new topics to become available between August and October. Please revisit this website then.

Our research projects are categorized under various research themes. A high level description of each area of research is given on the pages below, together with some research projects of previous internships.

Machine Learning Natural Language Processing Trading and Liquidity Factor Investing

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Current master students with any financial/technical backgrounds – such as Financial Economics, Econometrics, Data Science, Computer Science, Engineering and Math – are welcome to apply.

  • Programming skills and ability to work with (often large) datasets are major perquisites, and creativity and analytical skills are essential to successfully complete the project.

  • In our day-to-day work, it is at least as important to be able to explain the economic intuition as it is to compute the necessary results.

  • Thus, a successful candidate has strong social and problem-solving skills. She/He will consult with different parties and is capable to translate their input into applicable solutions.

  • We strive to maintain the diversity in personalities and backgrounds that exists in our department; for this reason, complementarity of the candidate to the existing team is an important consideration in the selection process.

For more information about the internships see Frequently Asked Questions.